YOH :\
uhmms.. der bad thing about that trip is that youve gotta wake up suuuper
EARLY .. and as you people know..i sleep late and wake up late ;D
haiz .. no computer :( soo sad XD hahs ..
uhmms.. der bad thing about that trip is that youve gotta wake up suuuper
EARLY .. and as you people know..i sleep late and wake up late ;D
haiz .. no computer :( soo sad XD hahs ..
on da 1st day .. i was woken up by my parents..
they took almost an hour to wake me up
and i finally did when i was totally pissed
hahas..after that ..my uncle brought us to da airport..
erm.. blahhh..we ended up on da airplane after that XD
while landing .. -.- ...i had a problem :D
the air pressure.... WAS TOO MUCH FER ME :(
i had a freakingly .. SHARP + PAIN HEADACHE XD
..obviously.. when i said too much for me ... meant i cried XD
=X paiseh.. very pain luh...-.- XD
so.. after that i went crazy..-.-
and .. -.- my parents were like .. "OMG"
hahas :D after awhile i was fine :D
GOOD ! after that the travel agent brought us to der hotel
and it took 1 hr ? -.- and i slept during der whole trip..-.-
blah..xD blahhh~~..absolutely happy .. cos i neednt
share a room with my parents.. -.- BUT i had to share wif my sister
>:B hahas XD good..
uhm..my parents kept coming in and out da room..
iritating lehs.. need to go up .. open da door and lock da door .. zZZ
on da second day .. -.-
i was woken up by a phone..-.-
idiotic parents called me every single morning..
but ..my sister picked it up..and i continued sleeping-.-
ate breakfast in da hotel later in da morning..
and -.- i was totally pissed when my father said da monk
that came to my house earlier in da year..
is coming -.- WTF !@#$%^*()&*(
so!!my father had this plan after all.
so.. this whole trip was actually to go around thailand
with this monk..
ok..da monk came after that -.- zzz
2 monks..-.- and a driver..
-.-der driver took us to many places..
temples temples and MORE TEMPLES .. -.-
i didnt even talk a word da whole trip..
lols..finally.. we went to sumwhere more interesting .. -.-
an ANCIENT temple..-.-
temple.. ZZZZ _l_nvm..-.-
der good thing is that this is worst seeing ..
its like ancient ruins.. -.- was once burnt till this state ..
a long time ago .. zzzzz... by burmas
and .. -.- non of them has a picture of me :D
cos .. i held onto der camera da whole time ;D
they took almost an hour to wake me up
and i finally did when i was totally pissed
hahas..after that ..my uncle brought us to da airport..
erm.. blahhh..we ended up on da airplane after that XD
while landing .. -.- ...i had a problem :D
the air pressure.... WAS TOO MUCH FER ME :(
i had a freakingly .. SHARP + PAIN HEADACHE XD
..obviously.. when i said too much for me ... meant i cried XD
=X paiseh.. very pain luh...-.- XD
so.. after that i went crazy..-.-
and .. -.- my parents were like .. "OMG"
hahas :D after awhile i was fine :D
GOOD ! after that the travel agent brought us to der hotel
and it took 1 hr ? -.- and i slept during der whole trip..-.-
blah..xD blahhh~~..absolutely happy .. cos i neednt
share a room with my parents.. -.- BUT i had to share wif my sister
>:B hahas XD good..
uhm..my parents kept coming in and out da room..
iritating lehs.. need to go up .. open da door and lock da door .. zZZ
on da second day .. -.-
i was woken up by a phone..-.-
idiotic parents called me every single morning..
but ..my sister picked it up..and i continued sleeping-.-
ate breakfast in da hotel later in da morning..
and -.- i was totally pissed when my father said da monk
that came to my house earlier in da year..
is coming -.- WTF !@#$%^*()&*(
so!!my father had this plan after all.
so.. this whole trip was actually to go around thailand
with this monk..
ok..da monk came after that -.- zzz
2 monks..-.- and a driver..
-.-der driver took us to many places..
temples temples and MORE TEMPLES .. -.-
i didnt even talk a word da whole trip..
lols..finally.. we went to sumwhere more interesting .. -.-
an ANCIENT temple..-.-
temple.. ZZZZ _l_nvm..-.-
der good thing is that this is worst seeing ..
its like ancient ruins.. -.- was once burnt till this state ..
a long time ago .. zzzzz... by burmas
and .. -.- non of them has a picture of me :D
cos .. i held onto der camera da whole time ;D
and i hate taking pictures :D
hahas .. goodgood.. hais.travelled out of bangkok..
with a car -.-
sibei far lurhhs ZZZ
i slept and slept .. ZZZ
how nice :D hehh~
lala~3rd day -.-
without da monk..
but .. -.- he came in da morning with us..
to a temple .. zzzzzzzz and he was gone for good after that :D
i hate shopping..-.-
cos.. walking is a must
-.- haiz.. i walked a lot sia
and guess wad..my heels sibei pain
and .. no aircon.. my sis kept complaining
and i kept telling her this.. " this is thailand .. you cant expect so much from it "
hahas .. REALLY LAR XD dam warm lorh..-.-
and my mum was like .."NOOOOOOo!! I DONT WANNA GO BACK!!"
but too bad .. da 3 of us were freakingly tired
and we sooo dam needa go back .. -.-
blahblah-.- tired until cannot eat -.-
no appetite .. so i didnt eat that much ..z
okie.. 3rd day -.-
shopping again.. this time with da aircon
but.. der temperature still not low enough..
siansiansian-.- as usual .. my legs were aching ..-.-
zz.. both my sister and mother were enjoying themselves..
my father and i both waited for them while they were happily shopping
zzz.. till dawn den were we back to da hotel -.-
okok.. i dont wanna talk sooooo much liaos..
ive gotta go out .. to celerbrate christmas :D
HAHAHAH!! btw .. if you people really wanna know..
i was posted to ping yi secondary .. ZZZ =X
hahas .. goodgood.. hais.travelled out of bangkok..
with a car -.-
sibei far lurhhs ZZZ
i slept and slept .. ZZZ
how nice :D hehh~
lala~3rd day -.-
without da monk..
but .. -.- he came in da morning with us..
to a temple .. zzzzzzzz and he was gone for good after that :D
i hate shopping..-.-
cos.. walking is a must
-.- haiz.. i walked a lot sia
and guess wad..my heels sibei pain
and .. no aircon.. my sis kept complaining
and i kept telling her this.. " this is thailand .. you cant expect so much from it "
hahas .. REALLY LAR XD dam warm lorh..-.-
and my mum was like .."NOOOOOOo!! I DONT WANNA GO BACK!!"
but too bad .. da 3 of us were freakingly tired
and we sooo dam needa go back .. -.-
blahblah-.- tired until cannot eat -.-
no appetite .. so i didnt eat that much ..z
okie.. 3rd day -.-
shopping again.. this time with da aircon
but.. der temperature still not low enough..
siansiansian-.- as usual .. my legs were aching ..-.-
zz.. both my sister and mother were enjoying themselves..
my father and i both waited for them while they were happily shopping
zzz.. till dawn den were we back to da hotel -.-
okok.. i dont wanna talk sooooo much liaos..
ive gotta go out .. to celerbrate christmas :D
HAHAHAH!! btw .. if you people really wanna know..
i was posted to ping yi secondary .. ZZZ =X
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