tired luh :X
on the 3rd of january i had to wake up freaking early
dam tired leh -.-
blah .. we set out for camp
which was held super near der bukit timah hill( wadever its spelt )
i was super quiet for der whole day and IM ACTING GUAI :D
idiot lar .. -.- on normal school days we were supposed to NOT
tuck in that bloody shirt but der fcking idiot instructors
just LOVE forcing us to tuck in .. dont tuck in later kena....
i dont remember what the hell happened but ..
we went to der bukit timah hill after that ..
we took the path that was like su-per hard to walk.
siao lar .. -.-
der steps SOOOOO big ..
blahblahblah. reached der summit .. and talked to erwin .zzz
that erwin sure does know how to act ...
he did something which caught der attention of der instructor .
and .. he went home after that .. wlao ..faker luh-.-
siansian.. after that . we went back to der campsite
and took a bath.. -.-
der water damn cold can? :c
hahas .. after that , gathered around blahblah .. donno wad cheer ..
which i was sleeping ALL DA WAY :D
soooo shuang :D
finally we had dinner ;o der food .. kanasai
:D :D :D :D :D :D
after that we had to walk in der night to bukit timah again ..
super dark lehs :p
i cant even see lar .. der worst part is .. we had to walk in fours.
and .. it consists of me , a fat ass , a female bangalar & a boy :\
that idiot fat ass..
hahas .. erwin said she was a second version of peishin
except she was much more bossy and i think she has been too pampered
she complain a lot lar . i sooo pek chek until i screamed shuddup and did this _l_
shes also more fat den peishin larhs.
on the 3rd of january i had to wake up freaking early
dam tired leh -.-
blah .. we set out for camp
which was held super near der bukit timah hill( wadever its spelt )
i was super quiet for der whole day and IM ACTING GUAI :D
idiot lar .. -.- on normal school days we were supposed to NOT
tuck in that bloody shirt but der fcking idiot instructors
just LOVE forcing us to tuck in .. dont tuck in later kena....
i dont remember what the hell happened but ..
we went to der bukit timah hill after that ..
we took the path that was like su-per hard to walk.
siao lar .. -.-
der steps SOOOOO big ..
blahblahblah. reached der summit .. and talked to erwin .zzz
that erwin sure does know how to act ...
he did something which caught der attention of der instructor .
and .. he went home after that .. wlao ..faker luh-.-
siansian.. after that . we went back to der campsite
and took a bath.. -.-
der water damn cold can? :c
hahas .. after that , gathered around blahblah .. donno wad cheer ..
which i was sleeping ALL DA WAY :D
soooo shuang :D
finally we had dinner ;o der food .. kanasai
:D :D :D :D :D :D
after that we had to walk in der night to bukit timah again ..
super dark lehs :p
i cant even see lar .. der worst part is .. we had to walk in fours.
and .. it consists of me , a fat ass , a female bangalar & a boy :\
that idiot fat ass..
hahas .. erwin said she was a second version of peishin
except she was much more bossy and i think she has been too pampered
she complain a lot lar . i sooo pek chek until i screamed shuddup and did this _l_
shes also more fat den peishin larhs.
..der instructors.. said that der fat ass had to hold onto der boy .
and she started crying . diaos-.-
and that bangalar .. run away :[
so .. i did it lar .. np wad .. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
blahblah 4 of us walked to a stupid place..
where there were grass all around .. -.- and people
some were lying on der grass , siao der arh -.- ll
blah~ all of der sec 1 tio punishment .. cos the instructors said we talked too much
wtf .. its like .. DID I TALK ?
their punishment was to put their head down ..
i dont know why but my backbone hurts.. -.-
so after that i didnt bother doing it .. and ended up getting scolded..
you think i care ?
nonsensical people .. lame larh :p
punish innocent people XD
wtf .. der place we were supposed to sleep in was like ..
infested with ants .. and .. i was soooo dam despo to find a clean spot ..
but in da end i didnt ..
i killed all of them :D
with that spray .. their body was like .. disintegrated..
erxin lei .. all der body parts .. ewww... sumore its like a whole army of ants..
all in one spot ...giving me der shivers..
since im soooo super evil .. i took sum1's bag and cover it :O
ahahar ~i donno wad happen lar ..
ok.. that fat ass was just right beside me .. and she was talking non-stop der whole night
and finally .. i managed to sleep around 4 .. zz i hate her . _l_
woke up exactly at 6 .. super tired .. got dressed .. went to gather again ..
blahblah ate breakfast ... -.-
(i donno wad .. cant remember)
we arrived at der place where all der high elements and low elements thingy were
and .. der first one i tried was der flying fox
shuang leh .. when they let you go and you drop down ..
you'll swing your way through .. :D:D:D
damn fast lehs ;D
after that we did der low elements thingy
which you needa use your brain to think ..
finally a boy took off this shoe and threw it at der rope
he managed to make a direct hit.. tyco nah . zzzz
blah ..it started to rain ..and we had to go back :D
and she started crying . diaos-.-
and that bangalar .. run away :[
so .. i did it lar .. np wad .. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
blahblah 4 of us walked to a stupid place..
where there were grass all around .. -.- and people
some were lying on der grass , siao der arh -.- ll
blah~ all of der sec 1 tio punishment .. cos the instructors said we talked too much
wtf .. its like .. DID I TALK ?
their punishment was to put their head down ..
i dont know why but my backbone hurts.. -.-
so after that i didnt bother doing it .. and ended up getting scolded..
you think i care ?
nonsensical people .. lame larh :p
punish innocent people XD
wtf .. der place we were supposed to sleep in was like ..
infested with ants .. and .. i was soooo dam despo to find a clean spot ..
but in da end i didnt ..
i killed all of them :D
with that spray .. their body was like .. disintegrated..
erxin lei .. all der body parts .. ewww... sumore its like a whole army of ants..
all in one spot ...giving me der shivers..
since im soooo super evil .. i took sum1's bag and cover it :O
ahahar ~i donno wad happen lar ..
ok.. that fat ass was just right beside me .. and she was talking non-stop der whole night
and finally .. i managed to sleep around 4 .. zz i hate her . _l_
woke up exactly at 6 .. super tired .. got dressed .. went to gather again ..
blahblah ate breakfast ... -.-
(i donno wad .. cant remember)
we arrived at der place where all der high elements and low elements thingy were
and .. der first one i tried was der flying fox
shuang leh .. when they let you go and you drop down ..
you'll swing your way through .. :D:D:D
damn fast lehs ;D
after that we did der low elements thingy
which you needa use your brain to think ..
finally a boy took off this shoe and threw it at der rope
he managed to make a direct hit.. tyco nah . zzzz
blah ..it started to rain ..and we had to go back :D
after that~ did der high element thingy again .. zzz
i was like shaking on der two pieces of wood high up in der air
and it was like shaking a lot lar ..
paiseh .. -.- i was scared :X
i was like shaking on der two pieces of wood high up in der air
and it was like shaking a lot lar ..
paiseh .. -.- i was scared :X
zzz..did der rock climbing .. super hard leh ..-.-
so many choppy areas .. where you had to siam
i finally reached der top after a while .. sibei tired.. -.-
till now my hands are still aching -.-
:D:D i dont wanna talk much cos I WANNA GO WATCH ANIME :D
we went back to school around 7 .. and its like super late la r.. its
later den der duration ive expected .. zz
wa .. sian .. got sch tml again .. parents have to come .. donno wad
paiseh .. ive never had a cca frm p1 - p6 :X
because im a noob :D
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