August 31, 2008
ت Steal the glamour from death ♥
I'm just blogging for the sake of blogging 'cos someone asked me to.
well , as you wanted , this is my post , hope you like it ..
hahahahas :] shall edit later in the evening . :D ♥
[x] edited
Well , nothing really happened except that I went online for the whole day..
Hahahahas :X I'd hope that tomorrow would turn out well ..
'Cos things are like a lil bit .. UN-organized.. especially the part with quraishya.
pfffffffft :X
-sighs- I still have to go back to school tomorrow.. T^T
I wonder what we're goin' to do.. 2 hours of lesson.. D: like wtf..
that's long to me.. I mean for only one subject ..
Heh .. some people still has to go to a f & N lesson right after mathematics.
I pity them :D hehhehe ~
I felt so stupid yesterday night..
I was watching a television programme and I was crying and at that same moment..
laughing .. basically , I was crying 'cos the show was touching .. and laughing
at myself 'cos I'm such an idiot -.-
I wonder if this happens to other people xD
{♥}a few more days to final years.
and a couple of days to see my dear instrument <333333333333333333333
The holidays are like shit. _!_
August 30, 2008
Suicide: a way of telling God "you can't fire me, I QUIT!"
played captain's ball instead of the normal band pt.
i so damn enjoyed myself ,
not including the part which the ball hit my head and the other one which
someone kicked my leg and it nearly twisted 180 degrees.
Well , everything turned out perfect. (;
I so damn glad the instruments are finally coming back ! I miss them truckloads ! ♥
and I'd hope to see them as soon as possible ! <333333
I'm so damn looking forward to learn how to do vibrato with the flute :]
Hehehehe,the day before yesterday, there was a teacher's day celebration.
Well , things turned out the same , except that there were performances.
hahaha, glad I was able to see my old friends :D
I see that most of them still has the same appearance ..
Siyi has became more open-minded and less emo..
Peishin's voice has changed, not the iritating one like before.. :X
Yongxin isn't like the emo girl we once knew..
Charlotte is even more hyped and taller than before....
Xuanhui is still the same :D
Hahahas , from the holding site , we went to pp and after that went to ecp.
dug a deep deep hole while building the sandcastle.
The sandcastle had a terrible end , we kicked it till it became ... sand..
Yongxin , Siyi and I jumped into the sea.
It's a pity yongxin didn't knew how to swim.
I realised I'm somehow scared of the sea.. Siyi and I were swimming as far as we could.
We tried not to look back .. but one of us would in the end :X
We'll hurry back to where we started 'cos we were afraid xD
This repeated till we both were really tired XD..
Well, we didn't want yongxin left out , so we swam in the shallow area, along with her ^^
.. guess what , at one area.. there were so many rocks ..
Gosh , Yongxin got a big scratch on her knee and her finger.
They were bleeding .. siyi and I were like " WOW ! the blood is so fresh! "
hahas , i only got a lil scratch on my feet and bled a lil..
but it wasnt as terrible as yongxin's [: Siyi wasn't injured at all , how lucky of her..
XD went to mac for dinner..
We were really freezing cold 'cos we were obviously still wet .. lols[:
lol , soon we were dry .. omg .. We were all salted .. xD
Went back after that :D
Fun ended XD hohoho :X
August 28, 2008
Live your own life for you die your own death ♥ // Spoiled; rotten

I've got over it :\ No matter the result is ,
I swear I still wouldn't shed a tear. (:
Like hello , I'm so damn looking forward to tomorrow.
Not because its ACE's day but its because I'm going back to my previous school.
For sure, I'm currently missing my teachers and old friends.
Too bad my previous year form teacher had already retired. sigh -
A randomized day today, was both in a good and bad mood.
It has been long , till I finally received my English Language Common Test Paper.
25 / 30 [: I'm somehow satisfied with my results :D
By the way , I've already got my F and N results , I scored 28/50 for it.
When I first received my paper , I saw 25.5 marks only and was already smiling widely.
Well , I checked the paper through and realised there were some errors in the calculations of marks. After that , told the teacher and received extra marks. {:
My classmates kept on going like this " TYCO NIA!"
hahahahaha :D Too bad for them as they weren't lucky at that moment when they were
still in the examination room struggling with the paper.
Counted and realised there's still 28 more days to the final examinations.
This is such wonderful news , isn't it ?
Oh well , its partially a good and bad news. The year end holidays are like coming so soon.
But theres still a final exam to go. I wonder if I'm still staying in Ping Yi.....
A mountain of homework to go with during this 1 week holiday.
I plan to study my Science and Geography. :\
:] I'm so damn not going to slack :D Stop me, if you can :]
Hehehe :] during homeroom period today , Jingyi was absolutely pissed with Miss Wong.
Hahhaa , she came over to my table where I was sitting alone and sat on the chair
beside me XD Lol , since I was being obsessed with my crazed doodles, I didnt speak to her.
Miss Wong saw what was going on and said
" Jingyi , can you not go to other places without permission ?
Charlotte doesn't wanna talk to you anyway "
Didn't knew what she replied , hahas. I just know she's pissed.
After that she was like " ChinWoon also sit other places." hahahha.
yeah , true enough Chin Woon WAS sitting at other places.
but no one cared == Poor brat, lols(:
was chuckling to myself after that :X hehheee ~xDDD
Went to the band table after school hours , just like any other day :D
Bored , so went home , Sorry haslinda , didn't wait for you :[
Went back with faizah after that , Aron was behind screaming and shouting like a gay.
'Cos I didn't want to wait for him. When he caught up , he was scolding me all
vulgerities he could think of . LOL, instead of being offended, I laughed my ass off .
zz had a hard time getting off the bus, cos Aron was
pulling my bag == How iritating can he be ?
till then ,
August 27, 2008
my day started out being pissed 'cos my parents were trying to wake me up but i just refused.
Lessons were just the same, nothing interesting.
For art , we had to make something with clay ,
I did a horrible job, I wasn't that good with my hands :D
Some horrible people were throwing clay around the classroom.
As the next lesson was Geography , and everyone hated geography.
We were all more than willing to help the teacher clean up the classroom.
So yeah , helped the teacher and did my job slowly.
And it consumed half of the time of the geography lesson.
I was glad the geography lesson ended so quickly, it was only 30 minutes(:
During geography lesson, I paid full attention to the "glamourous" teacher in front,
who wasn't that attractive but claims himself as a handsome hunk, who is he trying to kid ?
Learnt the topics on Weathering and Climate, which was quite simple for me.
After a short 30minute lunch break , we still had lessons.
My faved , mathematics.
I'm going to die , I had better buck up now.
I was daydreaming while the teacher taught us two new topics.
I didn't listened for the part for ratio and when he asked us to do some questions,
I realised that I sucked at ratio. )X
After all the lessons , i slacked at the band table.
hahaha :] never stopped laughing and joking with the malays, they were such fun people,
unlike my chinese friends who were such boring people. No offences :D these are just facts.
After we had no other things to do,
we decided to go home. Took the bus with Irfan and Aron.
And finally got my phone back from Aron,
he placed my phone on some puddles of water on the seat
I felt sympathy for my phone, luckily it can still work. sighhh ~
Cheerios ~
I feel that it's happening , it's already becoming obvious.
I just can't get over the fact that it's becoming reality
She's just denying it ,whereas I just know I was right -
I have given up larhs , whatever happens I would still continue being me.
I don't give a damn now - i just hate you to the core, i swear from the bottom of my heart.
You, yourself may have not realised it at all but the others do.
I wonder why you're doing this to me.
Get a life of your own, find your own happiness, why want other's ?
Let me tell you something , no matter what I would still be smiling every single day.
I know you're just trying to get back at me 'cos I didnt give you attention.
But it would obviously NOT work luh ,
that's too bad for you then , you ought to be disappointed.
I don't see what's so good about you that you can TRY boss me around.
I can guarantee you I'll never allow you to do that.
I'm sure you'll continue denying it instead of admitting your mistake.
Stop showing me that fucking attitude of yours ,
'Cos I've got one on my own.
Bloody whore, I HATE YOU.
August 26, 2008
I feel the pain my phone is suffering from. hehehe XD
these days I'm lazy to blog, 'cos they're too many things to say
and there's loads of disappointing events.
like any other crappy posts I've been posting ..
I'm going to do nothing but elaborate on the historical events that have just passed.
blahblahblah - went to school again
early in the morning , Ms wong started nagging at us again.
What a great start [: hehehe.
After that , had Art , gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh -
today was oh-so B-O-R-I-N-G !]:
We had to do hand-written work, I hated it a lot. >;B
rawrrrrrrrr ~ science lesson !! :D
the topic we're currently is so easy !! [:
omigosh ~ teacher had to spoil my mood by telling us that the final year exams are just 4 weeks away. LIKE WTH ! 4 weeks ONLY LEHS ! (^0^)/ "Help !" ahahahahaha..
I continued being bored until it was the very interesting F&N lesson.
hahaha [: I think it was fun because we were answering the questions like continuosly.
and we enjoyed being a good student, hahaha XD
after school , had the dumb oratorical.
boring ~ i liked nurul's hand signals especially at the part where she exclaimed
" Norway shall keep my bones , but heaven shall take my soul "
hahahaha , just thinking of it makes me laugh to myself . LOL !(:
after the oratorical , we went to orchard to watch a movie " Mad about english "
heh - quite a comedy actually. I somehow enjoyed it very much :D
hahha :] back at the bus , there were people sleeping ..
and evil people like jingyi would take pictures of them == didn't join in ,
i thought it was stupid of them .. LOL . :X
Hehehe.. it was raining , stayed in school for a while longer ..
and then after that went to the bus stop .. malik was sitting on the ground eating popcorn ==
i've got no comments == ................................................................... :X
hehehe , sat in the bus and didn't speak.
People were in the bus were like " don't emo larhs "
like wtf , if i do not speak it does not mean I'm emo-ing okay ?!? btw , i DONT emo.
lalalala ~ went back home as a loner,
it was much better this way , :] without jingyi and the malay people :D
it was much MUCH peaceful larhs :D went back home after that and used the comp..
till then ! :D
August 23, 2008
I'm still scared of Vania's freaking-scary story.
" can't find it , can't find it .. found it .. " OMIGOSH ! ]:
this part of her story almost made me cry :[ I'm gonna be worried at night.
gahhhhhh ! - still can't get over that story though it may be fake. x_x
aww , i shall update more about today's events later ~ :)
[X] edited
{: Band again ~
did the morning PT .. I hated running the most ==
blahblah . even worse , had sectional marching. ahahha ==
hentak until my wound break == then the pus started coming out.
Fell out after that == omg i suck man .
-.- blah ~ stoned in the canteen when Mr Yap took the sec ones.
after that , he gave us a 15 minutes break..
but it ended up being so LONG ! .
lols. Had some entertainment from haslinda and the others.
Then, Mr Yap came back again .. LOLS ! everyone ran back to their seats.
and he was gone again.. -.-
zzz , had a wonderful nap after that.. but two iritating fools called bryan and adrain
keep blowing their marching horns directly at us .. and blew it so loudly .
till it woke me up .. I really got a shock ToT ..
yay ~ band ended .. got soaked in the rain and didnt climb up gate. HAHAA ................. XD
blah ~ slacked .. irfan and the others played soccer ,
and we just slacked .. mr poh kept asking us to go home but we didnt ..
lol . Vania damn ... ___ see mr poh only scream and scream .. ==
like as if she saw a ghost.
went home after that . o-o
went out after that .. went to cousin's birthday ..
felt so sleepy .. kept daydreaming .. lols ..
after that i felt so hyped . cos i played volleyball with my dumb sis . LOL.
den after that everyone had a good laugh watching my two lil cousins
hitting a pinata . lol. they're still too small so the adults had to help them. heheh :X
blahhhhh ~ watched the adults struggled as they cut the cake ..
cos it was a ice cream cake and and the inside part havent really defrosted yet ..
hahaha.. they cut the cake till they were sweating .. that was really pathetic .
lol . finally they got a veryyyyyyyyy weird way of cutting the cake .. so well ..
everyone was like " FINALLY "
ahhahas .. blahblahblah ~ dont wanna be so long winded so yeah ,
I had a very good sleep after that .
BYE ! :D
August 22, 2008
hahahhahahaha ...
hahahhahahahahhaahhahahahaa x_x hehee ==
blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ~
TODAY ! , I woke up early in the morning reluctantly.
I slept like too much yesterday luh , then I woke up in the night and slept around 4.
Yesterday, I got my common test results for geography,mathematics and chinese paper.
firstly , I got my geography paper. well , I passed == 26/40 ... zzz.
poor jingyi .. failed her test and she'll have to bear the consequences, I pity her . lol.[:
hahahahhahaha == for the mathematics paper I scored 25/30 ==
and for the mother tongue paper , I JUST PASSED ! :D clapclap ! (;
25/50 nice score isn't it ? well , I hate to admit it but I suck in chinese :D
after school , went home with jingyi .. like wtf , we went home so early siol . ToT
It was like 3 + and I've got nothing to do .zzz
zzz , yongxin and charlotte called me out loh .
den go with them loh .. like so long nvr see them lerhs . :D
played bball .. den slack and slack == lol , we really wasted a lot of time .
went home after that .. didn't know how I ended up sleeping ==
she couldn't sleep anyway .. zzz ==
talk and talk to her until sian liao ..
den tried going to bed again , and couldn't ==
I stared into blank space and didn't know why I suddenly had so many hallucinations ....
I was like scared to death larhs :X paiseh ~
finally went to sleep after that ..
well , a few hours later , I woke up .
went to school , went to the band table ..
bell rang den go homeroom lohs O: ms wong checked the class's lastest homework.
like wtf , so many people didnt do den kena by teacher loh .
eh , I DID do but not all , i left one question to do! :DI don't know how to do larhs:D
I heng loh , got excuse , say I didn't bring my whole file .. and i really didn't bring[:
Jingyi never do , den donno what happen lohs ~ didn't really bothered asking .. zzz
after that , received my science results. like wtf , DAMN HAPPY LARHS !
I FAILED ! :D :D :D :D
i liked failing and didnt bothered to check if the teacher marked anything wrongly .. ==
its so unbelievable i failed ! :D 21/45 ! ;D pro right ?
after my very tremendous shock I started being a lil retarded ==
sorry vania for scaring you so badly .. harharharharhar .... xD
during recess, freaking pissed off by the newly appointed prefects.
especially izzati .. who keep asking me to put the plates back ==
zzzzzzz ~ DONT CARE ! :D HAHAHHAH !
see larh ! be prefect liaos action lerh luh ..
TvT ...
zzz ~ mathematics after that , my facourite lesson.
zzz got my average results for maths .. 81/100 .. but too bad these marks aren't gonna appear in
my report book .. not confirmed yet loh .
btw , though i failed my science paper .. my average was a B3 :D
cfm pass luhs == dont need to worry .. :D
chinese hurhs .. ehhhhhhhhh .. 50 what huh .. ? dono larh
zzz . after school , stayed back for band practice ...
lol .. during the band practice today .. had to practice for a dance for the rod thingy .
lol . i really teamed up with raimov.
before we confirmed who our partner was ,
he already sms-ed me and asked if I could be his partner lohs ==
and i was like " wadever (: haha == "
so well , we didnt knew if all these partner thingy was chosen by the majors
or ourselves.. so waited for the results loh . den really teamed up with him.
some even cried . aiyooooooooooooooohs ! ]: lol :D
hahas :D Irfan really teamed up with Quraishya ! everyone was like " WOAH!" back then.
ahhas :D lol .. after that anyhow-ed while practicing for the dance .
and yet was still praised by atikah . LOL !
vania and I were like hyped luhs .
poor jingyi for the 3rd time in this post .. poor jacqueline and lucille .
they were like .. " THIS IS LAME !"
lol (: jacqueline damn funny larhs . just stoned down there . heheh ! :D
blahhhhhhh ~ conbined with the main band :]
blew the flute again .. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ..
lol . during sectionals, FINALLY learnt the A flat major .
cos no one knew the fingerings .. LOL !
we were like looking at the essential elements for help . heheh :D
tried perfecting blue ridge saga after that :]
still cant :D it takes time :]
hahahhaha :D after band .. went to bbt ..
after that went back with yuni and the rest ..
we had to wait for that aron to take his time walking slowly to the busstop.
hes like damn fucking slow and yet he claims we're walking too fast . ==
wth larhs == lol .
hahaas :D nothing else to say lerhs :D
byebye :D
August 20, 2008
Only the final year examinations left ♥
Today , we assembled at the hall :D after the pledge taking ,
I saw Miss Wong behind JingYi ,and she was talking to JingYi,
she was like " Since you like folding your skirt, why don't you fold some more ? Fold more lah ! "
JingYi was like " fold enough already !! "
like wtf luh ,I didn't dared to even look at Miss Wong luh.
'Cos there was an ironic smile on her face and that was really wrong.
LOL.[: jingyi claims she only altered her skirt and to my observations , she not only altered but also fold lohs.
After that , had english lessons, wrote a short and sweet summary :D
summaries are so FUN to do ! :D like seriously .
after that had recess , did usual things ..
and after that it was MOTHER TONGUE COMMON TEST PAPER.
hahahahahaha :] my chinese suxs :D
so yeah , obviously i struggled with the paper .
like wtf larhs i read each and every passage like over and over again
and for some i managed to understand but most of them, i still didnt.
Home Economics Paper ! :D yay ! anyhow-ed , i remembered trying to be stupid and wrote.
"PORK!(: " on one of the answers == like shiet larhs == regretted(: sorry i had gone berserk,
'cos i had a terrible flu that time , i used like 3 whole packets of tissue today luhs . ==
and I was seriously in a bad mood at that time . LOL ! :D
Hahhahah ! :D well , today's tests were like so easy cos I anyhow-ed filled in da blanks ! :D
After common tests, Went to Mr Chiu's homeroom for geography lesson.
like wtf , i forgotten to bring books ==
well , we just copied down notes . lol . the class was like wondering why there was an extra geography lesson even though the tests were over.
" CAN'T WE HAVE A BREAK " says haslinda
" HAVE A KIT-KAT THEN ! " exclaims Mr Chiu
freaking lame luhs .hes so nonsensicle and non-realistic ==
blahblahblah - it was like FINALLY after the lesson ended .
hahas :] thought jingyi had to stay back for a test so pang seh-ed her .
went to e band table and she came , with a black face.
lol(: immediately knew i was wrong . lol.
she went for the test later in the afternoon .
lol . went to bbt along with faizah and her club .==
donno called what lar . from "filfa" club to "fazrila" ? == WHATEVER ! :D
slackedslackedslacked [:
went to slack nearby a carpark ..
didn't knew what we were doing there , i thought we were going to the carpark ? LOL.
i think it was because haslinda said she was lazy and wanted to be in the shade .
lol . boredboredbored.(:
went to the carpark later . knew what was gonna happen .
Irfan , Raimov, Faizah and I were like monkeys ==
always the same thing , not surprising ..
we were like climbing around the car park.
dangerous but fun .
well , I only got a huge cut on my knee and some other places.
lol . I didnt knew I was bleeding larhs .. until I looked down and saw a red patch.
kena shocked . so much blood , long time nvr bleed liaos .
it wasn't painful until I cleaned up the wound ==
burning so hot larhs . later we went to xxx 's house . i donno how to spell.
den, I was like playing the dumb keyboard, so damn not used to it. ==
and the people around me we like recording me playing the keyboard o.o
freaking stressed , and as usual .. I ANYHOW-ED ♥
wellwellwell , went home after that :D
Too bad couldn't meet mendel kor today :[
psps, so sorry ~ hehehehehe !
August 19, 2008
Theres a mother tongue and F and N test tomorrow(:
Firstly , I have officially given up on my Mother tongue language.
'Cos it seriously sucks(: so why should I keep on studying it when theres no hope ?
Did what I'll normally do :D Had lessons early in the morning ,
We did revision instead of our usual boring lessons.
Joined Feeqah and her brainy group,
I realised they're real smart!(: like seriously.
LOLS !(: we all didn't know how to do some questions so we asked the teacher.
I seriously felt I was part of them , I mean , like the group of nerds.
It's fun being them - LOL.
JingYi wrote a mathematical sum on the board on factorisation.
Everyone was like giving comments saying it was EASY.
Hahahahas(: Teacher explained how to solve it later ~
and Jing Yi was like "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, CHEY"
The long awaited Common Tests came soon after recess.
Had a English letter writing composition. [:
well , I expected it to be like a comprehension or whatsoever.
piece of cake-HAHA. ~ just hope I'd score well. O:
Mathematics paper after a short break -
o_o I've forgotten how the paper was.
I think it was somehow simple , except for a stupid kind of problem sum which I had NEVER
solved before in my whole life from primary 1 till now.
I'd still make the same old mistake , well , left it blank - luckily its only like 1 mark.
It used be 4 marks in the good old days - lalala~ so i lost 2 marks for the 2nd last question
part (ii) & (iii) - YAY ! ==
After the common tests , I went to the library with the same people.
zzz, didn't joined them when they were eating donuts in the library.
how lucky of me :D hahas , the librarians made an announcement specially for them to
stop eating. Are they dumb or what huh ? eat in library somemore. LOL(:
went home after that. quickly revised my geography and science
and ended up sleeping on the table . == I wasted my time till dad was back.
Ate dinner , didn't bother revising anymore, I was confident enough ;D NOT !
actually I was just lazy ! :D
lololololol !(: JingYi and I decided speaking chinese the whole day.
But we always ended up speaking our very LOVE-ed ENGLISH !
or we'll speak CHIN-GLISH instead ,
I wonder how chinese speaking families continue speaking chinese everyday.
Chinese is like so chim larhs O: hohohoho (:
Went to band table , begged bryan for a dumb string . LOL(:
did some last minute revision. saw hetong struggling with his revision.
I was thinking larh " IT WOULDN'T WORK ! HAHA !(:"
:D :D :D later , I found myself iritating people . ==
I was like asking people continuously questions after questions
about Geography :D lolol (: my apologies ! :DDDD
ART LESSON ! played with paper clay~ like so long since I last did that.
I dirtied the table and the poor floor. Ran off after that - 'Cos I didn't want to clean up everythin'
blahblah ~ science period. cher went through the class test. :D lol ? i passed o-o
e COMMON TESTS AGAIN ! geography and science !
guess what ? I realised that Mr Glynn Chiu was actually indirectly telling us that geography was hard. ]:<
and i don't think so luhs . I realised he has been teaching us secondary 4
work , like wtf , firstly its because all the craps he has been talking about for
the previous months didn't even come out for the test.
He made us all confused and worried that we'd fail.
He made us remember so many stuffs about rivers and whatsoever ~
and all his tests and quizzes were like so hard,
the difficulty is like 10 times harder den the common test.
LOL . i'm proud to say that I'm so damn gonna pass my geography !:D
For the science paper,I realised that there weren't much questions on acids and alkaline.
lol , i found myself writing english like the the foreigners. glad teacher would accept my answer.
i was like writing crap luhs == hope i'd wouldn't score badly . lol .
hope i'd be able to tyco through the whole test paper ^^
Went to the library again .
bored - so joined tanhui and her group . ==
lol , doodled instead of revising. well , theres a f and N test tomorrow .
I'd hope its simple ;D lol .
and sad to say , theres also a mother tongue test .
like WTF ! what did mr wang teach me ?!? zzz _!_
his madarin is like mumbling to me luhs and he don't even know how to speak english.
a pass is just enough for me for mother tongue language :D
lalala , btw , is it letter writing or test paper ? o-o
OH NOOOO! like what is it x-x shiet siol .
zzz == well , shall blog again when i feel like it :D
August 16, 2008

Common Tests are like coming so soon.
I don't really give a damn because I'm currently underestimating the
difficulty of the test :] Geography , Science and that stupid mother tongue language.
Firstly, it isn't my fault I'm bad at those subjects,
Its the teacher's fault ! Not mine ! D: You see ?
I've only changed my MATHEMATICS tuition teacher ,
and from a single digit , I've got double digits for my tests right now :D
Thats really a miracle ! hahas :D
I hated mathematics so much last time and now i love it so much.
So you see ? It isn't us students who are at fault. Its YOU teachers that are the problem !
Well, these thoughts are mine to comment and only I can judge my life :D if any teacher is here reading this, and scolds me or question me later , i still wouldn't change my mind about this situation.[: cos its really what I think, oh , by the way , i like being straightforward and if you're not happy about it , do tell me about it :D I'll explain :D
Wellwellwell , I'm bored being bored. I'm hating everyday because each day I regret doing what I've done.I don't even know what I really want now.Time and time again I've been lying to myself and I can't trust myself so why should you ?You shouldn't. I can't forgive myself for committing those mistakes.I realised I've just been forcing myself all the time and I've not realised it till then. Do I really mean it ? Or was I just faking it?I've filled my corrupted mind with illusions and lies and I believed them. How stupid of me I've been so indecisive lately till I started making these stupid decisions. I really regret it and hope to rewind the time , but yet the hands of time moved onward not allowing that dreadful bliss. What would be the spur of my smile ?
August 13, 2008
i studied in those boring lessons .
i had my recess.
later i doodled on my book during chinese.
studied again , had a test.
had a lunch break.
lesson again .
addicted by mathematics.
did homework.
left homework at teacher's locker.
went bbt , ate.
took bus to int , took bus home.
went home , reached home.
gonna have piano lessons , gonna sleep .
gonna eat dinner.
gonna do homework . (FINALLY)
cant predict what im going to do.
LIKESOOMG ! CT is coming next week !
i only realised it today when haslinda was talking about it :[
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh ! just hope i wouldn't have disappointing results.
esp for my mother tongue and geography . science too .zzz
BYEBYE :D shall blog again when i feel like it x_x
August 12, 2008
I've been like stucked to the piano for hours(:
and i'll only get out of the seat only when i got stuck in some
parts of the song , TO ZANARKAND !
its such a lovely piece of melody :D :D :D
GAAAAAHH >:B ! if only i could finish learning that song :[
hahahas :X went to school late :D because i played the piano till 1
and wasted my time till 2
and couldnt wake up in the morning.. my mother "woke" me up and she said she "talked"
to me .. ehhhh ? i dont remember talking to her ==
TODAY, luckily, i didnt get a yellow form today -
i was only asked what class i was from and what my index no was . like wtf luh . i said 101 and
i even emphasized the " 0 "
the prefect went to the page where it shows class 111 . ==
he marked the poor person who was also index 4 ==
i wonder who that unlucky person was .. -.- well , dont care ~
hahahah ! :D during art lesson i painted jingyi with glue :O
lolol :D i did it because of some particular reasons.
and like wtf, I'm starting to hate science larhs .
this idiotic topic on acid and alkalis suxs >:[ I'm like freaking blur ==
ask me a question and i won't be able to answer you :]
hahha :D f & n lesson was freakingly FUN ! :D
my group mates were really good jokers == esp jeffrey and thomas.
we kept laughing at the word " orange juice " for like no reason O:
LOL . i really had a good laugh today :D and time passed so quickly today :D
hahaha :D went home after sch O: ..
i wonder why i wanted to go home so badly .. hahahha :D
could be the piano .. ♥
August 9, 2008
i actually dont give a damn ..
i actually wanted to go kkcc but too bad ,
i couldn't wake up -_____- i slept too late last night :D
HAHAHA ! so yeah ,
woke up early in the AFTERNOON !
because i couldn't stand my sister's iritating-ness.
she was like forcing me to wake up from 8am in the morning..
well , it didnt work , i continued sleeping like a pig (:
blahblahblah - went to pcbunk .. cos my sister asked me to ==
like freaking boring there luh , cos i was FINALLY playing online games again.
i used to like playing those games but now i hate it , everythings changed.
seems like every single event that happened in the past have changed.
zzz. my sister was like smiling all the way luh..she was like semi retarded
i dont know whats going on in that thick head of hers.
it may be because she saw many of her audi frens in the bunk..zzz
blah ~
walked around plaza did some shopping .. saw jezrika and ulrika ,
i havent seen them for a long time.
like always , i didnt bothered saying "hi"
zzz. went back to the bunk AGAIN , cos my sister was addicted to the comp ==
lalala , accompanied her all the way , waste my time. _!_
i'd rather go home and sleep luh -.-
...FINALLY got out of bunk .. went to suntec to see the fireworks but couldn't have a good view.
i envied my mother who went to her sister's workplace to see the fireworks at the 40th floor.
well , too bad for me then ,this is life. unlike my mother ,and some others, I UNDERSTAND.
poor jingyi :[ aron destroyed her psp's "new-ness"..i wonder how many metres her psp flewX: so poor thing . she bought it like yesterday night leh.its like not even a day old :[ == nb .. fu*k it lar. now got scratches liao :X lol. jingyi wasted like a lot of water crying luh.. nearly an hour ? till someone comforted her ? lol. (:
hahaha :D eh jingyi , you ought to cheer up , look on the bright side :D this is life! ok , there are scratches on the psp.. i know you'll mind a lot . BUT the psp would eventually have scratches on it one day :D so , you see ? im sure would tell me " I JUST BOUGHT IT YESTERDAY" ..hahas . den i'll tell you , " why didnt you buy a protection cover for it " :} well , i wouldnt know what you'll say after that hahas :D i know you well but not THAT well .. ahhas .aron and gowtham didnt do it on purpose.
who wants to see you in a bad mood anyway , they'd only be asking to die :X
lolol . about that "bitch" you call .. haiz . though she knows whos the special someone you have a crush on..and did what youre not happy about... she may have not think twice before acting , people make mistakes, no ones perfect :]
i apologize for not agree with you ,
im not saying its your fault :D lele ♥s jingjing :D:D:D
(படஇ ♥ ஹிம் மோர் )
thats tamil, in case you dont know :D
hahahahahahaha :D all the best to ka hao, hope he finds his phone . lol .
zzz . well , im so damn not going to the concert tmr , i'll go slack , as usual.
hmmmmmmmm, where should i go on monday .. ==
August 7, 2008

hohoho :D such a wonderful day today :D
went to school like i always do
went to the hall like straightaway(:
and there was mrs irene seah with her hands on her hips waiting for me ..
wow im SO honoured . (:
she was waiting for the opportunity to cut my hair again .
well , YESTERDAY , she told me that my fringe and the hair at the side were too long :D
and she got to tell me that because she waited for me outside the school gate yesterday.
well , i was the last one to enter the school gate yesterday , and she said i was late -.-
i wasnt late lorhs , no yellow form == mr martin chan was also there oh-puhlease , he also never gimme a yellow form -.-
harharhar :D well , she didnt get to talk to me today , cos i ran away(:
well, she made an announcement saying that people with unacceptable hairstyles shall stand ==
smart enough , i clipped it up last minute and i was safe :}
hahas :} surprisingly , geography lesson was fun today , finally paid full attention to the teacher in the front , hahas , had a wonderful test. did 2 questions outta 5 - i did study ok O: the information just couldn't be absorbed cos im soo dumb :]
well , mr chiu saw that our class was like .. totally BLUR as we did our test :]
so he turned nice and allowed a re-test at 2 pm after school ,
hahas , being an especially good student , i took back my test paper . :] and studied for the test , ON CHINESE LESSON , i really dont know whats going on in that head of mr wang's, hes a teacher and he allows us to study for a geography test during his lesson . like we always do,no one listened to the lectures he gave , well , cos it was obviously UNIMPORTANT :D
he goes on talking like how people from china do ,
and i seriously dont understand anything that comes out of his mouth , unless he calls my name.
hahah -.- after school , did the geography test which turned out well, cos i did all the questions. after the test , jing yi and i went to the singapore post -.- i didnt go there for like more den 1 year..zzz helped jingyi to find something red to wear tomorrow, it took like freakingly long to find something that suited her -.- and the clothes there so damn not gonna go there again-.-
hahas , i realised that jingyi and i didnt stop talking from the time we walked out of school. :D i realised jingyi is scared of loud noises too ! :D btw , never ever mention church to jingyi, let me warn ya , she'll start singing those songs that people sing on sundays when they go to the church , it'll freaking piss you off . firstly it doesn't sound nice and secondly , she'll embarrass you. during homeroom period , i was studying for the test and jingyi was driving me crazy, i was like already mad and yet she continues singing == how "considerate" of her -.-
haha :] i don't know what i'll be wearing tomorrow , i hate wearing red -.-
im so damn NOT looking forward to tomorrow's events ,
i hate national day performance -.- BORING . zzz
well, SAYONARAH ! :D
August 5, 2008
today was such a fine day :D ..yeah right.
it took me so long to wake up in the morning today, i was freaking tired.
had art as first lesson, jingyi was wasting her precious paper, so i decided to join in the fun..
i didnt know wasting paper could be such fun , it makes you hyped :D
boring- science , cher never come today , we waited outside the damned classroom
to complete an assignment after that luh , not enough time to do , so i decided not giving a damn about it :) hahahs , everything continued being boring until f and n omg , i love the teacher so much TvT cooked muffins and puddings, anyhow-ed cook as i had no mood to do so, i knew wad was gonna happen after lesson ..-.-
..and i was hoping to run off the classroom before teacher pulls me back .. BUT , eventually , she somehow knew i was gonna run away .
she told the class to wait outside , and asked me to stay back .. :] .. :(
im so-so-so GLAD she made my hair a disaster , she did an OH SO WONDERFUL haircut for me
im so grateful to her, oh thank you mrs irene seah , hope you read this ,
youre the BEST ! (:
her on the spot haircut ROCKS ! i love it and hope to get it again sooner or later .
well , i miss my hair so much :[
byebye world , and bye hair :]
August 1, 2008

hellohello :] everyday is getting more and more boring [:
and im hating it. D:< :D had a very FUN-FILLED band practice today ... everything turned out SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO well ... im in a EXTREMELY GOOD MOOD TODAY ! ISNT THAT GOOD ?!? :D well , basically , im just trying to say that today suxs. went to school being hyped and after that became tired soon after lessons started.
enjoyed it so "much" .The acid, not surprisingly got on my hand and
im left with a stupid skin iritation, how wonderful. :]
after know jingyi for like appropsimately 8 months .. all i know is that shes afraid of ghosts, bugs, and acids -.- i enjoy scaring her :D it gives me pleasure.
ooh. theres band tomorrow TvT zzz. hope there wont be thoery. theory spoils my day.
hahah :\ im looking forward on the day jingyi gets spooked by the supernatural again. :D
all the best to her :D