hohoho :D such a wonderful day today :D
went to school like i always do
went to the hall like straightaway(:
and there was mrs irene seah with her hands on her hips waiting for me ..
wow im SO honoured . (:
she was waiting for the opportunity to cut my hair again .
well , YESTERDAY , she told me that my fringe and the hair at the side were too long :D
and she got to tell me that because she waited for me outside the school gate yesterday.
well , i was the last one to enter the school gate yesterday , and she said i was late -.-
i wasnt late lorhs , no yellow form == mr martin chan was also there oh-puhlease , he also never gimme a yellow form -.-
harharhar :D well , she didnt get to talk to me today , cos i ran away(:
well, she made an announcement saying that people with unacceptable hairstyles shall stand ==
smart enough , i clipped it up last minute and i was safe :}
hahas :} surprisingly , geography lesson was fun today , finally paid full attention to the teacher in the front , hahas , had a wonderful test. did 2 questions outta 5 - i did study ok O: the information just couldn't be absorbed cos im soo dumb :]
well , mr chiu saw that our class was like .. totally BLUR as we did our test :]
so he turned nice and allowed a re-test at 2 pm after school ,
hahas , being an especially good student , i took back my test paper . :] and studied for the test , ON CHINESE LESSON , i really dont know whats going on in that head of mr wang's, hes a teacher and he allows us to study for a geography test during his lesson . like we always do,no one listened to the lectures he gave , well , cos it was obviously UNIMPORTANT :D
he goes on talking like how people from china do ,
and i seriously dont understand anything that comes out of his mouth , unless he calls my name.
hahah -.- after school , did the geography test which turned out well, cos i did all the questions. after the test , jing yi and i went to the singapore post -.- i didnt go there for like more den 1 year..zzz helped jingyi to find something red to wear tomorrow, it took like freakingly long to find something that suited her -.- and the clothes there suxs.im so damn not gonna go there again-.-
hahas , i realised that jingyi and i didnt stop talking from the time we walked out of school. :D i realised jingyi is scared of loud noises too ! :D btw , never ever mention church to jingyi, let me warn ya , she'll start singing those songs that people sing on sundays when they go to the church , it'll freaking piss you off . firstly it doesn't sound nice and secondly , she'll embarrass you. during homeroom period , i was studying for the test and jingyi was driving me crazy, i was like already mad and yet she continues singing == how "considerate" of her -.-
haha :] i don't know what i'll be wearing tomorrow , i hate wearing red -.-
im so damn NOT looking forward to tomorrow's events ,
i hate national day performance -.- BORING . zzz
well, SAYONARAH ! :D
hohoho :D such a wonderful day today :D
went to school like i always do
went to the hall like straightaway(:
and there was mrs irene seah with her hands on her hips waiting for me ..
wow im SO honoured . (:
she was waiting for the opportunity to cut my hair again .
well , YESTERDAY , she told me that my fringe and the hair at the side were too long :D
and she got to tell me that because she waited for me outside the school gate yesterday.
well , i was the last one to enter the school gate yesterday , and she said i was late -.-
i wasnt late lorhs , no yellow form == mr martin chan was also there oh-puhlease , he also never gimme a yellow form -.-
harharhar :D well , she didnt get to talk to me today , cos i ran away(:
well, she made an announcement saying that people with unacceptable hairstyles shall stand ==
smart enough , i clipped it up last minute and i was safe :}
hahas :} surprisingly , geography lesson was fun today , finally paid full attention to the teacher in the front , hahas , had a wonderful test. did 2 questions outta 5 - i did study ok O: the information just couldn't be absorbed cos im soo dumb :]
well , mr chiu saw that our class was like .. totally BLUR as we did our test :]
so he turned nice and allowed a re-test at 2 pm after school ,
hahas , being an especially good student , i took back my test paper . :] and studied for the test , ON CHINESE LESSON , i really dont know whats going on in that head of mr wang's, hes a teacher and he allows us to study for a geography test during his lesson . like we always do,no one listened to the lectures he gave , well , cos it was obviously UNIMPORTANT :D
he goes on talking like how people from china do ,
and i seriously dont understand anything that comes out of his mouth , unless he calls my name.
hahah -.- after school , did the geography test which turned out well, cos i did all the questions. after the test , jing yi and i went to the singapore post -.- i didnt go there for like more den 1 year..zzz helped jingyi to find something red to wear tomorrow, it took like freakingly long to find something that suited her -.- and the clothes there suxs.im so damn not gonna go there again-.-
hahas , i realised that jingyi and i didnt stop talking from the time we walked out of school. :D i realised jingyi is scared of loud noises too ! :D btw , never ever mention church to jingyi, let me warn ya , she'll start singing those songs that people sing on sundays when they go to the church , it'll freaking piss you off . firstly it doesn't sound nice and secondly , she'll embarrass you. during homeroom period , i was studying for the test and jingyi was driving me crazy, i was like already mad and yet she continues singing == how "considerate" of her -.-
haha :] i don't know what i'll be wearing tomorrow , i hate wearing red -.-
im so damn NOT looking forward to tomorrow's events ,
i hate national day performance -.- BORING . zzz
well, SAYONARAH ! :D
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